Friday, August 16, 2013

Why Sheena Needs to Get Up Earlier

Friday morning started like any other.  The alarm goes off, we press snooze.  Nine minutes pass.  The alarm goes off.  We press snooze.  Nine more minutes pass.  I got up and convinced Sheena that she really needs to get ready for work.  I lurched toward the kitchen to fetch the anti-zombie juice, more frequently referred to as coffee.

In an attempt to live a healthier lifestyle, Sheena has been eating breakfast.  After dressing, she tried to prepare oatmeal with honey in our galley kitchen while Lillian emptied the dishwasher.  This should not be a difficult task.

1.       Pour oatmeal in bowl.
2.       Drizzle honey over oatmeal.
3.       Pour milk.

This morning it went more like this.

1.       Pour oatmeal in bowl.
2.       Reach for the honey and drop it out of the cabinet onto the edge of said bowl.
3.       Wonder what the fuck happened to cause the oatmeal explosion.

I heard the “explosion” and came around the corner to see what happened.  I saw the oatmeal with honey in places I never knew it could be; on the upper cabinets, on the side of the refrigerator, on Lillian, on the dog, and most amusing, on the front of Sheena’s pants.

Me:  “What happened?” 

Grumpy Gus:  “I don’t know!  Get me the broom or something!”

I know Sheena’s not a morning person and she’s clearly not awake, so I buttoned my lip and went to fetch the broom from the porch.  Grumbling under my breath at her abrasiveness, I grabbed the broom and muttered to myself, “It’s ‘Get me the broom, please’.”  Clearly I was not awake either, because on my way back into the house I missed the cement step and down I went like London Bridge. 

Sweet Lil was the first to show concern.  Perhaps it was because, as she said, “I saw your legs and butt fly up in the air and you crashed down.”  She came running to see if I was okay, followed by a now jolted-awake Sheena.

Oh, it’s funny now.  Even with a bruised and swollen rug-burned elbow, a scraped calf and shin, and back spasms.

But really.  Sheena needs to get up earlier.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Iron Curtain Has Returned, and is Covered in Rainbow Blood

Would you be surprised to know that readers of my blog in Russia are second only to readers here in the United States? At least they were until Russia’s government adopted a federal bill banning the distribution of "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations”. Russia has yet to clarify what constitutes ‘propaganda’, but apparently my blog falls into that category.

Yes. My humble little blog has gone dark to the Russian people. I guess they are afraid that Russian youths will read my words and instantly convert to a life of persecution by society, and prosecution by the government. Wow. I never knew that my words could be so powerful.

First, I have only written one post regarding LGBT issues. Second, this was a post regarding LGBT rights here in the United States. There are many things left to achieve in the United States for gays and lesbians. But I can’t imagine living in a place where violence against homosexuals is not only condoned, but encouraged.

I am sickened and saddened by the governmental discrimination, not to mention the violence that is happening to my LGBT brothers and sisters in Russia.

If I could speak to you I would tell you that you that the rest of the world has not forgotten you. I wish you could read this. I wish I could do more.

В знак солидарности с моими российскими братьями и сестрами